Our Patch
Western Queensland PHN region consists of seven Commissioning Localities (CLs) and 20 Local Government Areas (LGAs).

Our region covers 956,438km2 (55% of total land area of Queensland)
- 63,678 residents
- 12,174 who are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (19.5% compared with Queensland average of 4.6%)
- 34 Indigenous language groups
88% of the population live in remote and very remote areas
- 4 CLs have people living mostly in very remote areas.
- 2 CLs have people living mostly in remote areas.
- 1 CL has half people living in outer regional areas, with the other half in remote and very remote areas.
The population of the PHN has mixed health status with pockets of high advantage which are in direct contrast to large areas of extreme disadvantage.