As incoming Chair of the Western Queensland Primary Health Network (WQPHN) Board (April 2023) and on behalf of fellow members, I would like to thank our commissioned service providers, partners, and staff for their continued efforts in strengthening the reach of primary health services to people throughout our vast, remote and diverse landscape.
I would also like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land across which we serve and recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders past and present and emerging.
Review 2022-23
Our focus this year has been working collectively to reinvigorate a stronger network of primary health care services to assist people in Western Queensland achieve better health outcomes post the diminution of COVID-19 pandemic concerns needing urgent attention.
As part of this focus, the WQPHN has progressed implementation of its inaugural Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) aimed at further driving improvements for the health and wellbeing of First Nations people in Western Queensland.
To ensure the Plan remains regionally focussed and culturally informed, the WQPHN has maintained close collaboration through the Nukal Murra Alliance with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Controlled Health Services and the three Hospital and Health Services servicing the region.

Effective and efficient governance remains a priority objective for the Board. This year we refocussed the Strategic Plan towards more coherently driving our efforts towards fostering healthier outback communities.
We reviewed our risk profile and stakeholder engagement strategy with a view to building stronger synergies to current contexts and challenges.
Key functional reforms were implemented to create stronger alignment of organisational structures to areas of strategic intent.
The Board also instituted the constitutional changes agreed by the membership last year to foster a more contemporary approach towards enabling Board membership and succession and optimising the skills and capacity of members and staff to deliver on the WQPHN vision, mission and articulated values.
In conclusion, I would like to sincerely thank our outgoing Chair, Dallas Leon for his strong contribution over past years (2018-2023) and thank him sincerely for assisting us effect smooth succession and knowledge transfer arrangements.
I would also like to recognise and thank the CEO, Sandy Gillies, the executive team and all staff for their continued, passionate and tireless commitment over the past year.
Enabling their efforts and facilitating strategic engagements with governments, funders, service providers and interested regional stakeholders across our extensive regional area in support of our future ambitions, remains the major objective of the Board.
I look forward to supporting the work program we have in train and reporting on outcomes achieved next financial year.
Liz Fraser
